/* * Author: Digital Zoom Studio * Website: http://digitalzoomstudio.net/ * Portfolio: http://codecanyon.net/user/ZoomIt/portfolio * * Version: 5.01 */ "use strict"; window.dzsscr_self_options = {}; (function(window,document) { var prefix = "", _addEventListener, onwheel, support; // detect event model if ( window.addEventListener ) { _addEventListener = "addEventListener"; } else { _addEventListener = "attachEvent"; prefix = "on"; } // detect available wheel event support = "onwheel" in document.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : // Modern browsers support "wheel" document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? "mousewheel" : // Webkit and IE support at least "mousewheel" "DOMMouseScroll"; // let's assume that remaining browsers are older Firefox window.addWheelListener = function( elem, callback, useCapture ) { _addWheelListener( elem, support, callback, useCapture ); // handle MozMousePixelScroll in older Firefox if( support == "DOMMouseScroll" ) { _addWheelListener( elem, "MozMousePixelScroll", callback, useCapture ); } }; function _addWheelListener( elem, eventName, callback, useCapture ) { elem[ _addEventListener ]( prefix + eventName, support == "wheel" ? callback : function( originalEvent ) { !originalEvent && ( originalEvent = window.event ); // create a normalized event object var event = { // keep a ref to the original event object originalEvent: originalEvent, target: originalEvent.target || originalEvent.srcElement, type: "wheel", deltaMode: originalEvent.type == "MozMousePixelScroll" ? 0 : 1, deltaX: 0, deltaZ: 0, preventDefault: function() { originalEvent.preventDefault ? originalEvent.preventDefault() : originalEvent.returnValue = false; } }; // calculate deltaY (and deltaX) according to the event if ( support == "mousewheel" ) { event.deltaY = - 1/40 * originalEvent.wheelDelta; // Webkit also support wheelDeltaX originalEvent.wheelDeltaX && ( event.deltaX = - 1/40 * originalEvent.wheelDeltaX ); } else { event.deltaY = originalEvent.detail; } // it's time to fire the callback return callback( event ); }, useCapture || false ); } })(window,document); (function($) { $.fn.scroller = function(o) { var defaults = { type: 'normal', // -- normal or scrollTop totalWidth: undefined, totalwidth: undefined, settings_multiplier: 3, // -- scroll multiplier settings_skin: 'skin_default', settings_scrollbar: 'on', settings_scrollbyhover: 'off', settings_fadeoutonleave: 'off', settings_replacewheelxwithy: 'off', settings_refresh: 0// -- refresh dimensions every x secs ,settings_autoheight: 'default' ,settings_autoheight_from_first_item: 'off', settings_forcesameheight: 'off', settings_fullwidth: 'off', settings_hidedefaultsidebars: 'off', settings_dragmethod: 'drag',//drag or normal - dra is more natural feeling settings_autoresizescrollbar: 'off', settings_slideshow: '0', // -- slideshow until a user interaction is detected scrollBg: 'off', force_onlyy: 'off', objecter: undefined , secondCon: null // provide a second container that the scrollbar moves, nifty stuff , secondCon_tw: null , secondCon_cw: null , secondCon_enable_mouse_scroll: "off" , settings_scrollTop_height_indicator: null , settings_scrollTop_animate_top_instead_of_scroll: "off" , settings_comHeight_surplus: 0 , settings_show_sidebar_on_right_side_mouse: "on" // -- do not hide the scrollbar when mouse is on the right side , enable_easing: 'off' // -- enable easing , enable_easing_for_second_con: 'off' // -- enable easing , easing_duration: '1.8' // -- easing Duration , easing_type: 'easeInCirc' // -- easing Duration , settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures: 'off' , touch_leave_native_scrollbar: 'off' , settings_enable_drag_on_desktops_too: 'off' // -- by default drag drop scrolling only works on mobile, enable this to make it work on desktops too , settings_makeFunctional: false , settings_chrome_multiplier: 0.10 //scrollmultiplier for chrome , settings_safari_multiplier: 0.20 //scrollmultiplier for safari , settings_opera_multiplier: 0.002 //scrollmultiplier for opera , settings_ie_multiplier: 0.08 //scrollmultiplier for ie , settings_edge_multiplier: 0.08 //scrollmultiplier for edge , settings_firefox_multiplier: -1 //scrollmultiplier for ff , replace_window_object: null // -- use a element from the DOM instead of the window element , extra_html_scrollbarx: '' // -- use a element from the DOM instead of the window element }; if(typeof o =='undefined'){ if(typeof $(this).attr('data-options')!='undefined' && $(this).attr('data-options')!=''){ var aux = $(this).attr('data-options'); aux = 'window.dzsscr_self_options = ' + aux; eval(aux); o = $.extend({},window.dzsscr_self_options); window.dzsscr_self_options = $.extend({}, {}); } } o = $.extend(defaults, o); if(typeof o =='undefined'){ if(typeof $(this).attr('data-options')!='undefined' && $(this).attr('data-options')!=''){ var aux = $(this).attr('data-options'); aux = 'var aux_opts = ' + aux; eval(aux); o = aux_opts; } } o.settings_refresh = parseInt(o.settings_refresh, 10); o.settings_multiplier = parseFloat(o.settings_multiplier); o.settings_chrome_multiplier = parseFloat(o.settings_chrome_multiplier); o.settings_firefox_multiplier = parseFloat(o.settings_firefox_multiplier); o.settings_slideshow = parseFloat(o.settings_slideshow); Math.linearTween = function (t, b, c, d) { return c*t/d + b; }; Math.easeIn = function(t, b, c, d) { return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; }; Math.easeOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) { //console.info('ceva'); t /= d; return -c * t*(t-2) + b; }; Math.easeInOutSine = function (t, b, c, d) { return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b; }; Math.easeInCirc = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d; return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1) + b; }; Math.easeInQuart = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d; return c*t*t*t*t + b; }; this.each(function() { //console.log(this); var totalWidth = 0 ,totalWidth_for_scrollbar = 0 // -- the scrollbar might be aligned by a different height ; //total width of the container, this is usually taken from the css of the div var totalHeight = 0; var comWidth = 0; // total width of the real element var comHeight = 0; var last_totalHeight = 0 ,last_comHeight = 0 ; var ww = 0 var wh = 0; //subdiv of the container ( real content ) var _outer = null ,_scrollbar = null ,_inner = null ; var _inner_autoheight = false; var cthis_autoheight = false; // subdiv of the container var auxdeltax = 0; var auxdeltay = 0; var viewIndexWidth = 0; var scrollIndexY = 0; var scrollIndexX = 0; var cthis_touch_left_last = 0; var cthis_touch_top_last = 0; var inner_dragging = false; var sc_dragging = false; var sc_touch_left_last = 0; var sc_touch_top_last = 0; var scrollbar_height = 0; var scrollbary = undefined; var scrollbary_bg = undefined; var scrollbarx = undefined; var scrollbarx_bg = undefined; var cthis = $(this); var mousex = 0; var mousey = 0; var scrollbary_pressed = false; var scrollbarx_pressed = false; var scrolling_blocked = false; var scrollbary_psize = 0; var scrollbarx_psize = 0; var scrollbarx_dragx = 0; var scrollbarx_draglocalx = 0; var scrollbary_dragy = 0; var scrollbary_draglocaly = 0; var _window_object = $(window) ,_scrollTop_height_indicator = null ,comHeight_surplus = 0 ; var viewIndexX = 0; var viewIndexY = 0; var lastNonNaNX = 0; // -- we use this to track the last valid integer var lastNonNaNX_sc = 0; // -- we use this to track the last valid integer var lastNonNaNY = 0; // -- we use this to track the last valid integer var secondCon_tw , secondCon_th , secondCon_cw , secondCon_ch , secondCon_viX , secondCon_viY ; var _realparent; var scrollbufferX = false; var scrollbufferY = false; var dir_hor = true; var dir_ver = true; var percomWidth = 0; var iOuter; var duration_smoothing = 60; var inter_reset ,inter_hidescrollbar ; var action_handle_frame = null ,action_handle_wheel_end = null ,action_animate_scrollbar_end = null ; var swipe_maintarget ,swipe_maintargettotalwidth = 0 ,swipe_maintargettotalheight = 0 ,swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth = 0 ,swipe_maintargettotalclipheight = 0 ,swipe_maintargetoriginalposx = 0 ,swipe_maintargetoriginalposy = 0 ,swipe_maintargettargetposx = 0 ,swipe_maintargettargetposy = 0 ,swipe_originalposx ,swipe_originalposy ,swipe_touchdownposx ,swipe_touchdownposy ,swipe_touchupposx ,swipe_touchupposy ,swipe_dragging = false ; var debug_var = true; var slideshow_reachedend = false; var slideshow_operation = "plus"; var stop_enter_frame = false ,suspend_enter_frame = false ,inter_suspend_enter_frame ; // --- easing params var duration_viy = 1.8 ,duration_vix = 20 ; var target_viy = 0 ,target_vix = 0 ,target_vix_sc = 0 ,target_bo = 0 ; var begin_viy = 0 ,begin_vix = 0 ,begin_vix_sc = 0 ,begin_bo = 0 ; var finish_viy = 0 ,finish_vix = 0 ,finish_vix_sc = 0 ,finish_bo = 0 ; var change_viy = 0 ,change_vix = 0 ,change_vix_sc = 0 ,change_bo = 0 ; var backup_duration_viy = 0; var mode_scrollTop_sw_middlemousescrolling = false; var isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor); var isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); if(cthis.hasClass('dzsscr-inited')){ return false; } init(); //return; function init() { //console.log(totalWidth, cthis, cthis.width()); return; if(o.totalWidth==undefined){ totalWidth = cthis.width(); }else{ totalWidth = o.totalWidth; } if(o.totalHeight==undefined){ totalHeight = cthis.height(); }else{ totalHeight = o.totalHeight; } totalWidth_for_scrollbar = totalWidth; if(o.settings_skin=='skin_luna'){ totalWidth_for_scrollbar-=4; } if(o.replace_window_object){ _window_object = o.replace_window_object; } if(o.settings_scrollTop_height_indicator && o.settings_scrollTop_height_indicator.outerHeight){ _scrollTop_height_indicator = o.settings_scrollTop_height_indicator; } if(o.settings_comHeight_surplus && o.settings_comHeight_surplus>0){ comHeight_surplus = o.settings_comHeight_surplus; } duration_viy = parseFloat(o.easing_duration); if(o.type=='normal') { _inner = cthis.find('.inner').eq(0); } var cclass=String(cthis.attr('class')); if(cclass.indexOf("skin_")==-1){ cthis.addClass(o.settings_skin); } cclass=String(cthis.attr('class')); var regex_skin = new RegExp('(skin_.*?)\\b'); var regex_skin_arr = regex_skin.exec(cclass); //console.info(cclass,regex_skin_arr); if(regex_skin_arr && regex_skin_arr[1]){ o.settings_skin = regex_skin_arr[1]; } //console.info(o.settings_skin); if(o.type=='normal'){ if(_inner.parent().hasClass('scroller')==false){ _inner.wrap('
') } _outer = cthis.find('.scroller').eq(0); } if(o.settings_skin=='skin_luna'){ } //console.info(cthis, _outer, is_ios(), is_android(), is_touch_device(), o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures); if ( (is_touch_device()) && o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures != 'on') { // console.info('hmm'); //-- we dont need easing scrolling on mobiles as the scrolling is already eased if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ return false; } if(_outer){ _outer.css('overflow', 'auto'); } if(o.touch_leave_native_scrollbar=='on'){ return false; } //_outer.css('--webkit', 'auto'); if(o.secondCon){ //o.secondCon.parent() is the clip o.secondCon.parent().css('overflow', 'auto'); } cthis.addClass('is-touch'); //return } else { } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ //console.info(cthis, cthis.scrollTop); cthis.addClass('scroller-con type-scrollTop'); $('html').css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); setTimeout(function(){ //cthis.scrollTop(300); //$(window).scrollTop(300); },1000) $(document).delegate('a[href^=#]','click', function(){ var _t23 = $(this); if($(_t23.attr('href')).length>0){ //console.log($(_t23.attr('href'))); if($('.scroller-con.type-scrollTop').get(0) && $('.scroller-con.type-scrollTop').get(0).api_scrolly_to){ var aux = $(_t23.attr('href')).offset().top-100; $('.scroller-con.type-scrollTop').get(0).api_scrolly_to(aux); } } return false; }) cthis.bind('mousedown',function(e){ if(e.which==2){ if(!mode_scrollTop_sw_middlemousescrolling){ mode_scrollTop_sw_middlemousescrolling = true; }else{ mode_scrollTop_sw_middlemousescrolling = false; } }else{ mode_scrollTop_sw_middlemousescrolling = false; } }) cthis.bind('mousemove',function(e){ //console.info(e.clientY, cthis.height(),wh); if(mode_scrollTop_sw_middlemousescrolling){ viewIndexY = -(e.clientY/wh * (cthis.height()-wh)); //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar(); } }) $('body').bind('keydown', function(e){ //console.info(e) if(e.keyCode==38){ viewIndexY += 30; animateScrollbar(); } if(e.keyCode==40){ viewIndexY -= 30; animateScrollbar(); } }) } //return false; //console.log(cthis, totalHeight); _realparent = cthis; _realparent.append('
'); _scrollbar = _realparent.children('.scrollbar').eq(0); if(is_touch_device()){ _scrollbar.addClass('easing'); } if(_inner && (_inner.get(0).style.height=='' || _inner.get(0).style.height=='auto')){ _inner_autoheight = true; } if(o.settings_autoheight=='auto'){ if(cthis.get(0).style.height=='' || cthis.get(0).style.height=='auto'){ cthis_autoheight = true; } } if(o.settings_autoheight=='on'){ cthis_autoheight = true; } if(o.settings_autoheight=='off'){ cthis_autoheight = false; } //console.info(o.settings_autoheight, cthis_autoheight); calculateDims(); if (cthis.css('opacity') == 0) { //cthis.animate({ // 'opacity': 1 //}, 600) cthis.parent().children('.preloader').fadeOut('slow'); } if (percomWidth == 0) { percomWidth = comWidth + 50; } if ( (cthis.hasClass('is-touch') ) && o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures == 'off') { //console.log(cthis, totalWidth, percomWidth); //console.log(cthis, totalWidth, percomWidth); if(_outer){ _outer.css({ 'overflow': 'auto' }) } } //console.log('ceva', o.objecter); if (cthis.get(0) != undefined) { //console.log('ceva', o.objecter.refreshIt); cthis.get(0).reinit = reinit; cthis.get(0).api_destroy = destroy; cthis.get(0).scrollToTop = scrollToTop; cthis.get(0).updateX = updateX; cthis.get(0).fn_scrollx_to = scrollx_to; cthis.get(0).api_scrolly_to = scrolly_to; cthis.get(0).api_toggle_resize = calculateDims; cthis.get(0).api_get_view_index_y = get_view_index_y; cthis.get(0).api_set_action_handle_frame = function(arg){ action_handle_frame = arg; }; cthis.get(0).api_set_action_animate_scrollbar_end = function(arg){ action_animate_scrollbar_end = arg; }; cthis.get(0).api_block_scroll = function(arg){ scrolling_blocked = true; }; cthis.get(0).api_unblock_scroll = function(arg){ scrolling_blocked = false; }; cthis.get(0).api_set_action_handle_wheel_end = function(arg){ action_handle_wheel_end = arg; }; cthis.get(0).api_set_window_object = function(arg){ _window_object = arg; }; cthis.get(0).api_set_scrollTop_height_indicator = function(arg){ _scrollTop_height_indicator = arg; }; cthis.get(0).api_comHeight_surplus = function(arg){ comHeight_surplus = arg; }; /* */ } if (o.settings_refresh > 0) { setInterval(reinit, o.settings_refresh); } if (cthis.find('.scrollbar').css('opacity') == '0') { cthis.find('.scrollbar').animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 600); } $(window).bind('resize', calculateDims); calculateDims(); setTimeout(calculateDims, 1000); handle_frame(); cthis.addClass('dzsscr-inited'); } function suspend_enter_frame_func(){ //console.info('suspend_enter_frame_func()'); suspend_enter_frame = true; } function get_view_index_y(){ return viewIndexY; } function destroy(){ //console.info(_inner); //if(o.type=='normal'){ // _inner.unwrap() //} stop_enter_frame = true; // -- continue DESTROY FUNCTION } function handle_frame(){ if(suspend_enter_frame==false){ //console.info(suspend_enter_frame); if(o.settings_slideshow>0){ viewIndexX=null; if(slideshow_reachedend){ slideshow_reachedend=false; if(slideshow_operation=='plus'){ slideshow_operation='minus'; }else{ slideshow_operation='plus'; } } if(slideshow_operation=='plus'){ scrollIndexX+= o.settings_slideshow; }else{ scrollIndexX-= o.settings_slideshow; } //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar(); } if(o.enable_easing=='on'){ if(is_android() || is_ios()){ }else{ if (dir_ver) { //console.info(target_viy); begin_viy = target_viy; change_viy = finish_viy - begin_viy; //target_viy = Number(Math.easeIn(1, begin_viy, change_viy, duration_viy).toFixed(4)); //console.info(target_viy); //console.log(o.easing_type); if(o.easing_type=='easeIn'){ target_viy = Number(Math.easeIn(1, begin_viy, change_viy, duration_viy).toFixed(4)); } if(o.easing_type=='easeInCirc'){ if(is_safari){ target_viy = Number(Math.easeInCirc(1, begin_viy, change_viy, duration_viy).toFixed(0)); }else{ target_viy = Number(Math.easeInCirc(1, begin_viy, change_viy, duration_viy).toFixed(4)); } } if(isNaN(target_viy)){ target_viy = 0; } //console.info(target_viy); //if(cthis.hasClass('debug-target')){ console.info(target_viy); }; if(o.type=='normal'){ _inner.css({ 'top': parseInt(target_viy,10) }) } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ //if(is_safari()){ // //console.log('safari'); // //console.log(target_viy,comHeight-totalHeight-100) // if(target_viy< -(comHeight-totalHeight-100)){ // target_viy = -(comHeight-totalHeight-100); // } // //console.log(target_viy,comHeight-totalHeight-100) //} //console.log(-target_viy, totalHeight, comHeight, comHeight-totalHeight-100); //console.info(_window_object); if(o.settings_scrollTop_animate_top_instead_of_scroll=='on'){ _window_object.css({ 'top': parseInt(target_viy,10) }) }else{ _window_object.scrollTop(-target_viy); } //cthis.scrollTop(-target_viy); } } if (dir_hor) { //console.info(finish_vix); begin_vix = target_vix; change_vix= finish_vix - begin_vix; target_vix = Number(Math.easeIn(1, begin_vix, change_vix, duration_viy).toFixed(4)); //console.info(target_vix,duration_viy); if(o.type=='normal'){ _inner.css({ 'left': parseInt(target_vix,10) }) } if(o.secondCon) { //console.info(finish_vix_sc); begin_vix_sc = target_vix_sc; change_vix_sc= finish_vix_sc - begin_vix_sc; target_vix_sc = Number(Math.easeIn(1, begin_vix_sc, change_vix_sc, duration_viy/1.5).toFixed(4)); if(isNaN(target_vix_sc)){ target_vix_sc = 0; } //console.info(target_vix_sc); if (o.enable_easing_for_second_con == 'on') { o.secondCon.css({ 'left': parseInt(target_vix_sc,10) }) } } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ $(window).scrollTop(-target_vix); } } } } if(action_handle_frame){ action_handle_frame(); } } if(stop_enter_frame){ return false; } requestAnimFrame(handle_frame); } function inter_hidescrollbar_func(){ cthis.removeClass('scrollbar-active'); if(o.settings_show_sidebar_on_right_side_mouse=='on'){ //console.info(mousex, mousey, cthis.offset().left, cthis.width()); if(mousex>cthis.offset().left + cthis.width()-100 && mousex<=cthis.offset().left + cthis.width() && mousey>cthis.offset().top && mousey<=cthis.offset().top + cthis.height()){ clearTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar); inter_hidescrollbar = setTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar_func, 1000); cthis.addClass('scrollbar-active'); } } } function handle_touchStart(e){ //console.info('touchstart', e.target, e.currentTarget, e.currentTarget == _inner.get(0)); if(e.currentTarget == _inner.get(0)){ inner_dragging=true; } if(o.secondCon && e.currentTarget == o.secondCon.get(0)){ sc_dragging=true; } //return; swipe_maintarget = _inner; swipe_maintargettotalwidth = totalWidth; swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth = comWidth; swipe_maintargettotalheight = totalHeight; swipe_maintargettotalclipheight = comHeight; swipe_maintargetoriginalposx = parseInt(swipe_maintarget.css('left'), 10); swipe_maintargetoriginalposy = parseInt(swipe_maintarget.css('top'), 10); if(e.type=='touchstart'){ swipe_touchdownposx = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; swipe_touchdownposy = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY; }else{ swipe_touchdownposx = e.pageX; swipe_touchdownposy = e.pageY; } swipe_dragging = true; o.settings_slideshow=0; if(e.type=='touchstart'){ }else{ cthis.addClass('closedhand'); return false; } } function handle_touchMove(e){ //console.info(e.type); if(swipe_dragging==false){ }else{ if(dir_hor){ //console.log('ceva'); if(e.type=='touchmove'){ swipe_touchupposx = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; }else{ swipe_touchupposx = e.pageX; } //console.log(swipe_maintargettotalwidth, swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth, swipe_maintargettotalheight, swipe_maintargettotalclipheight); //console.info(swipe_maintargetoriginalposy, swipe_touchupposy, swipe_touchdownposy) swipe_maintargettargetposx = swipe_maintargetoriginalposx + (swipe_touchupposx - swipe_touchdownposx); if(swipe_maintargettargetposx>0){ swipe_maintargettargetposx/=2; } if(swipe_maintargettargetposx<-swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth+swipe_maintargettotalwidth){ swipe_maintargettargetposx = swipe_maintargettargetposx-((swipe_maintargettargetposx+swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth-swipe_maintargettotalwidth)/2); } //console.log(swipe_maintargettargetposy); swipe_maintarget.css('left', swipe_maintargettargetposx); if(swipe_maintargettargetposx>0){ swipe_maintargettargetposx = 0; } if(swipe_maintargettargetposx<-swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth+swipe_maintargettotalwidth){ swipe_maintargettargetposx = swipe_maintargettargetposx-(swipe_maintargettargetposx+swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth-swipe_maintargettotalwidth); } } if(dir_ver){ if(e.type=='touchmove'){ swipe_touchupposy = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY; }else{ swipe_touchupposy = e.pageY; } //console.info(swipe_maintargetoriginalposy, swipe_touchupposy, swipe_touchdownposy) swipe_maintargettargetposy = swipe_maintargetoriginalposy + (swipe_touchupposy - swipe_touchdownposy); if(swipe_maintargettargetposy>0){ swipe_maintargettargetposy/=2; } if(swipe_maintargettargetposy<-swipe_maintargettotalclipheight+swipe_maintargettotalheight){ swipe_maintargettargetposy = swipe_maintargettargetposy-((swipe_maintargettargetposy+swipe_maintargettotalclipheight-swipe_maintargettotalheight)/2); } //console.log(swipe_maintargettargetposy); swipe_maintarget.css('top', swipe_maintargettargetposy); if(swipe_maintargettargetposy>0){ swipe_maintargettargetposy = 0; } if(swipe_maintargettargetposy<-swipe_maintargettotalclipheight+swipe_maintargettotalheight){ swipe_maintargettargetposy = swipe_maintargettargetposy-(swipe_maintargettargetposy+swipe_maintargettotalclipheight-swipe_maintargettotalheight); } } if(e.type=='touchmove'){ }else{ if(dir_hor){ aux = swipe_maintargettargetposx / -(swipe_maintargettotalclipwidth - swipe_maintargettotalwidth); //console.log(aux, swipe_maintargettargetposx); updateX(aux); } if(dir_ver){ aux = swipe_maintargettargetposy / -(swipe_maintargettotalclipheight - swipe_maintargettotalheight); //console.log(aux); updateY(aux); } } return false; } } function handle_touchEnd(e){ inner_dragging=false; sc_dragging=false; swipe_dragging = false; cthis.removeClass('closedhand'); var aux = 0; } function updateX(arg, otherargs) { //updateX based on a perchange 0.314 var margs = { 'secondCon_targetX' : '' } margs = $.extend(margs, otherargs); viewIndexX = arg * -(comWidth - totalWidth); scrollIndexX = arg * (totalWidth_for_scrollbar - scrollbarx_psize); if (o.secondCon != null) { secondCon_viX = arg * -(secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw); } if (margs.secondCon_targetX != '') { secondCon_viX = margs.secondCon_targetX; } //console.info(secondCon_viX); //console.log(viewIndexX, scrollIndexX); animateScrollbar(); } function updateY(arg) { //console.info('updateY('+arg+')'); //updateX based on a perchange 0.314 viewIndexY = arg * -(comHeight - totalHeight); scrollIndexY = arg * (comHeight - scrollbary_psize); if (o.secondCon != null) { secondCon_viY = arg * -(secondCon_ch - secondCon_th); } //console.log(viewIndexX, scrollIndexX); animateScrollbar(); } function scrollx_to(arg){ //console.log(arg); //if argument is bigger then 1 then the user wants a pixel based jump if(arg>1){ arg = arg / (comWidth - totalWidth); } viewIndexX = arg * -(comWidth - totalWidth); scrollIndexX = arg * (totalWidth_for_scrollbar - scrollbarx_psize); //console.info(o.secondCon); if(o.secondCon!=null){ secondCon_viX = arg * -(secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw); } //console.log(viewIndexX, scrollIndexX); animateScrollbar(); } function scrolly_to(arg, pargs){ //console.log('scrolly_to()', arg); //if argument is bigger then 1 then the user wants a pixel based jump var margs = { 'show_scrollbar' : true }; if(pargs){ margs = $.extend(margs,pargs); } if(arg>1){ arg = arg / (comHeight - totalHeight); } viewIndexY = arg * -(comHeight - totalHeight); scrollIndexY = arg * (totalHeight - scrollbary_psize); if(o.secondCon!=null){ secondCon_viY = arg * -(secondCon_ch - secondCon_th); } //console.log(viewIndexX, scrollIndexX); animateScrollbar(margs); //console.info(margs); if(margs.show_scrollbar){ clearTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar); inter_hidescrollbar = setTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar_func, 1000); cthis.addClass('scrollbar-active'); } } function calculateDims() { //console.info('scroller - calculateDims()'); ww = $(window).width(); wh = $(window).height(); if (o.settings_makeFunctional == true) { var allowed = false; var url = document.URL; var urlStart = url.indexOf("://") + 3; var urlEnd = url.indexOf("/", urlStart); var domain = url.substring(urlStart, urlEnd); //console.log(domain); if (domain.indexOf('a') > -1 && domain.indexOf('c') > -1 && domain.indexOf('o') > -1 && domain.indexOf('l') > -1) { allowed = true; } if (domain.indexOf('o') > -1 && domain.indexOf('z') > -1 && domain.indexOf('e') > -1 && domain.indexOf('h') > -1 && domain.indexOf('t') > -1) { allowed = true; } if (domain.indexOf('e') > -1 && domain.indexOf('v') > -1 && domain.indexOf('n') > -1 && domain.indexOf('a') > -1 && domain.indexOf('t') > -1) { allowed = true; } if (allowed == false) { return; } } //console.log(cthis, cthis.outerWidth()); if (o.totalWidth != undefined){ totalWidth = o.totalWidth; }else{ totalWidth = cthis.outerWidth(false); } if (o.totalHeight != undefined && o.totalHeight!=0){ totalHeight = o.totalHeight; }else{ if(cthis.height()!=0){ totalHeight = cthis.outerHeight(false); } } totalWidth_for_scrollbar = totalWidth; if(o.settings_skin=='skin_luna'){ totalWidth_for_scrollbar-=4; } if (o.settings_autoheight_from_first_item == 'on') { totalHeight = (_inner.children().children().eq(0).height()); //totalHeight = } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ totalHeight = $(window).height(); comHeight = cthis.outerHeight(); if(_scrollTop_height_indicator && _scrollTop_height_indicator.outerHeight){ comHeight = _scrollTop_height_indicator.outerHeight() + comHeight_surplus; } //console.info(comHeight,last_comHeight); if(Math.abs(comHeight-last_comHeight)>99){ viewIndexY = (scrollIndexY / (-(wh - scrollbary_psize))) * (comHeight - wh); if(comHeight 0) { comWidth = _inner.find('.real-inner').outerWidth(); comHeight = _inner.find('.real-inner').outerHeight(); _inner.css({ 'width': comWidth }); // console.info(comWidth); if(_inner_autoheight){ _inner.height(comHeight); } _inner.css({ // 'width': comWidth }); } } if(_inner && cthis_autoheight){ cthis.height(_inner.height()); } if(_inner && _inner.hasClass('calculate-inner')){ //_inner.wrap('
'); // //_inner.parent().width(100000); //_inner.css('display', 'inline-block'); // //console.info(_inner.width()); //_inner.unwrap(); } //totalHeight = cthis.height(); if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ var sw_wasstatic = false; if(cthis.css('position')=='static'){ sw_wasstatic=true; //cthis.css('position','relative'); //setTimeout(calculateDims,100); } //console.info(cthis, comHeight, totalHeight, $(window).height()); } //console.info(cthis.height(), $(window).height(), comHeight, totalHeight); //return; if (o.settings_forcesameheight == 'on') { totalHeight = comHeight; //cthis.height(totalHeight); } if (o.scrollBg == 'on') { comHeight = cthis.height(); totalHeight = $(window).height(); } //determining the direction ------------ if (comHeight <= totalHeight ) { dir_ver = false; } else { dir_ver = true; } if (comWidth <= totalWidth) { dir_hor = false; } else { dir_hor = true; cthis.addClass('dir-hor'); } if (o.force_onlyy == 'on') { dir_hor = false; } if (o.force_onlyx == 'on') { dir_ver = false; } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ dir_ver=true; if(comHeight<=totalHeight){ dir_ver=false; } } if(dir_hor==true){ cthis.addClass('dir-hor'); }else{ cthis.removeClass('dir-hor'); } if(dir_ver==true){ cthis.addClass('dir-ver'); }else{ cthis.removeClass('dir-ver'); } if(dir_hor==false && scrollbarx!=undefined){ scrollbarx.remove(); scrollbarx_bg.remove(); scrollbarx = undefined; scrollbarx_bg = undefined; } if(dir_ver==false && scrollbary!=undefined){ scrollbary.remove(); scrollbary_bg.remove(); scrollbary = undefined; scrollbary_bg = undefined; } // console.info(dir_hor, dir_ver); if (dir_ver == false && dir_hor == false){ cthis.addClass('no-need-for-nav'); return; }else{ cthis.removeClass('no-need-for-nav'); } var auxperc = 0; var auxpery = 0; if (o.settings_scrollbar == 'on') { if (scrollbary == undefined && dir_ver) { _scrollbar.append('
') _scrollbar.append('
'); } if (scrollbarx == undefined && dir_hor) { _scrollbar.append('
') var aux = '
'; aux+=''; //console.info(o.settings_skin); if(o.settings_skin=='skin_luna' || o.settings_skin=='skin_cerc'){ aux+=' '; } aux+= o.extra_html_scrollbarx; aux+='
'; _scrollbar.append(aux); } } if (scrollbary == undefined && dir_ver) { scrollbary = _scrollbar.children('.scrollbary'); scrollbary_bg = _scrollbar.children('.scrollbary_bg'); scrollbary_psize = scrollbary.height(); if (o.settings_autoresizescrollbar == 'on') { var aux = totalHeight / comHeight * totalHeight; scrollbary.css('height', aux); scrollbary_psize = aux; } scrollbary_bg.css('height', totalHeight); if (o.settings_fadeoutonleave == 'on') { scrollbary.css('opacity', 0); scrollbary_bg.css('opacity', 0); } scrollbary_bg.mousedown(function(event) { scrollbary_pressed = true; o.settings_slideshow=0; scrollbary_draglocaly = mousey - scrollbary.offset().top + cthis.offset().top; if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ scrollbary_draglocaly = mousey - scrollbary.offset().top + $(window).scrollTop(); } return false; }); scrollbary.mousedown(function(event) { scrollbary_pressed = true; o.settings_slideshow=0; //console.log(mousey, scrollbary.offset().top, cthis.offset().top); scrollbary_draglocaly = mousey - scrollbary.offset().top + cthis.offset().top; if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ scrollbary_draglocaly = mousey - scrollbary.offset().top + $(window).scrollTop(); } return false; }); } if (scrollbarx == undefined && dir_hor) { scrollbarx = _scrollbar.children('.scrollbarx'); scrollbarx_bg = _scrollbar.children('.scrollbarx_bg'); scrollbarx_psize = scrollbarx.width(); //console.log(comWidth, totalWidth); if (o.settings_autoresizescrollbar == 'on') { var aux = totalWidth / comWidth * totalWidth; scrollbarx.css('width', aux); scrollbarx_psize = aux; } scrollbarx_bg.css('width', totalWidth); if (o.settings_fadeoutonleave == 'on') { scrollbarx.css('opacity', 0); scrollbarx_bg.css('opacity', 0); } if (comWidth <= totalWidth && o.settings_fullwidth == 'on') { scrollbarx.hide(); scrollbarx_bg.hide(); } scrollbarx.mousedown(function(event) { scrollbarx_pressed = true; o.settings_slideshow=0; //scrollbarx_dragx = parseInt($(this).css('left')); scrollbarx_draglocalx = mousex - scrollbarx.offset().left + cthis.offset().left; return false; }); scrollbarx_bg.mousedown(function(event) { scrollbarx_pressed = true; o.settings_slideshow=0; return false; }); } if (scrollbarx && dir_hor == true) { auxperc = parseInt(scrollbarx.css('left')) / totalWidth; if (o.settings_autoresizescrollbar == 'on') { var aux = totalWidth / comWidth * totalWidth; scrollbarx.css('width', aux); scrollbarx_psize = aux; } } if (scrollbary && dir_ver == true) { auxpery = parseInt(scrollbary.css('top')) / totalHeight; if (o.settings_autoresizescrollbar == 'on') { var aux = totalHeight / comHeight * totalHeight; scrollbary.css('height', aux); scrollbary_psize = aux; } } //if(percomWidth == 0){ // percomWidth = comWidth + 50; //} //console.log(_outer, totalWidth, cthis.width()); if (scrollbarx && dir_hor == true) { scrollbarx_bg.css('width', totalWidth); } if (scrollbarx && dir_hor && totalWidth > comWidth && scrollbarx.css('display') == 'block') { scrollbarx_bg.hide(); scrollbarx.hide(); auxperc = 0; } if (scrollbarx && dir_hor && totalWidth < comWidth && scrollbarx.css('display') == 'none') { scrollbarx_bg.show(); scrollbarx.show(); auxperc = 0; } if (scrollbary && dir_ver == true) { scrollbary_bg.css('height', totalHeight); } /* * for late use if(dir_hor && totalWidth > comWidth && scrollbarx.css('display')=='block'){ scrollbarx_bg.hide(); scrollbarx.hide(); auxperc=0; } if(dir_hor && totalWidth < comWidth && scrollbarx.css('display')=='none'){ scrollbarx_bg.show(); scrollbarx.show(); auxperc=0; } */ //console.info(viewIndexY, 'animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); var args={ do_not_clear_suspend_enter_frame: 'on' } animateScrollbar(args); if (dir_hor && totalWidth > comWidth && o.settings_fullwidth == 'on') { //_inner.css('left', 0) } } function scrollToTop() { //console.info('scrollToTop()'); viewIndexY = 0; scrollIndexY = 0; //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar(); } function reinit() { ww = $(window).width(); wh = $(window).height(); calculateDims(); } cthis.get(0).api_reinit = reinit; cthis.get(0).api_handle_wheel = handle_wheel; if (o.settings_scrollbyhover != 'on' && ( cthis.hasClass('is-touch')==false || o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures == 'on')){ if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ if ($(window)[0].addEventListener){ $(window)[0].addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', handle_wheel, false); //console.info($('iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]')); //$('iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]').contents().find("body").bind('mousewheel', function(e, delta) { // //console.info('ceva'); //}); //$('body').bind('wheel', function(){ // console.log('ffwheel'); //}) //$('body').find('iframe').bind('wheel', function(){ // console.log('ffwheel'); //}) }else{ } $(window)[0].onmousewheel = handle_wheel; //addWheelListener( window, function( e ) { console.log( e.deltaY ); e.preventDefault(); } ); }else{ if (cthis[0].addEventListener){ cthis[0].addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', handle_wheel, false); }else{ } cthis[0].onmousewheel = handle_wheel; } // console.info(o.secondCon); // secondCon_enable_mouse_scroll if(o.secondCon){ if (o.secondCon[0].addEventListener){ o.secondCon[0].addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', handle_wheel, false); } o.secondCon[0].onmousewheel = handle_wheel; } } /* if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', handle_wheel, false); }else{ } window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = handle_wheel; */ function handle_wheel(e){ //console.info('handle_wheel()', e, e.deltaY); var _t = $(this); if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ _t = cthis; } if(scrolling_blocked){ return; } scrollbufferX = false; scrollbufferY = false; //alert(e.wheelDeltaY); // console.log(e, e.axis, e.detail, cthis, _t); // console.log(cthis.has($(e.target)).length); // == ie8 has no event :| tx mousehweel plugin var the_event = e || window.event; if(the_event && the_event.target && cthis.has($(the_event.target)).length<1){ //return; } auxdeltax = return_deltax(the_event); auxdeltay = return_deltay(the_event); auxdeltax *= o.settings_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_multiplier; //console.info(isChrome, isSafari, is_firefox()); //console.info(o.settings_multiplier, auxdeltay, o.settings_chrome_multiplier); if(isChrome){ auxdeltax *= o.settings_chrome_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_chrome_multiplier; } if(isSafari){ //==hack safari detets chrome too.. auxdeltax = return_deltax(the_event); auxdeltay = return_deltay(the_event); auxdeltax *= o.settings_safari_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_safari_multiplier; } //console.log(auxdeltay); //console.info(is_firefox(), auxdeltay); if(is_firefox()){ auxdeltax *= o.settings_firefox_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_firefox_multiplier; } if(is_opera()){ auxdeltax *= o.settings_opera_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_opera_multiplier; } if(is_ie()){ auxdeltax = 0; auxdeltay = return_delta(the_event); auxdeltax *= o.settings_ie_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_ie_multiplier; } //console.info(o.settings_multiplier, auxdeltay); //console.info(navigator.userAgent, auxdeltay, e.axis, is_ie(), version_ie(), getInternetExplorerVersion()); if(getInternetExplorerVersion()>=11){ auxdeltax = 0; auxdeltay = return_delta(the_event); //console.info(auxdeltay); auxdeltax *= o.settings_ie_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_ie_multiplier; //console.info(auxdeltay); } if(/Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { console.warn("edge"); auxdeltax = return_deltax(the_event); auxdeltay = return_deltay(the_event); //console.info(auxdeltay); auxdeltax *= o.settings_edge_multiplier; auxdeltay *= o.settings_edge_multiplier; } //console.log(deltaY, delta); if (o.settings_replacewheelxwithy == 'on' && auxdeltax==0){ auxdeltax = auxdeltay; } if(isNaN(auxdeltax)){ auxdeltax = 0; } if(isNaN(auxdeltay)){ auxdeltay = 0; } //console.info('final deltaY', auxdeltay); if(cthis.get(0)==_t.get(0) || (o.secondCon && o.secondCon.get(0)==_t.get(0))){ if (dir_ver) { //console.info(viewIndexY, auxdeltay); viewIndexY += (auxdeltay * o.settings_multiplier); scrollIndexY = viewIndexY / (comHeight - totalHeight) * -(totalHeight - scrollbary_psize); //console.info(viewIndexY, totalHeight, comHeight); } if (dir_hor) { viewIndexX += (auxdeltax * o.settings_multiplier); //console.log(deltaX, deltaY, delta, auxdeltax, viewIndexX) scrollIndexX = viewIndexX / (comWidth - totalWidth_for_scrollbar) * -(totalWidth_for_scrollbar - scrollbarx_psize); if (o.secondCon != null) { //console.log(secondCon_viX) if (secondCon_viX == undefined) { secondCon_viX = 0; } if(isNaN(secondCon_viX)){ secondCon_viX = lastNonNaNX_sc; }else{ lastNonNaNX_sc = secondCon_viX } //console.info(auxdeltax, secondCon_cw, comWidth); //secondCon_viX += ((auxdeltax * o.settings_multiplier) * (secondCon_cw/comWidth)); //secondCon_viX += ((auxdeltax * o.settings_multiplier) * (secondCon_cw/comWidth)); } } } //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar({ animate_sc_based_on_main_scroll : "on" }); if(dir_hor==false){ scrollbufferX = true; } if(dir_ver==false){ scrollbufferY = true; } //scrollbufferY = true; //console.log(scrollbufferY); //console.log(auxdeltax); //if scrollbuffer Y is true then we can scroll on if (auxdeltay !=0 && scrollbufferY == false) { if((is_ie8())==false){ the_event.stopPropagation(); the_event.preventDefault(); }else{ return false; } } if (auxdeltax !=0 && scrollbufferX == false) { if((is_ie8())==false){ the_event.stopPropagation(); the_event.preventDefault(); }else{ return false; } } //console.info('scrollbar active from scroll',auxdeltay,auxdeltax); if(auxdeltax!=0 || auxdeltay!=0){ clearTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar); inter_hidescrollbar = setTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar_func, 1000); cthis.addClass('scrollbar-active'); } //console.info('action_handle_wheel_end', action_handle_wheel_end); if(action_handle_wheel_end){ action_handle_wheel_end(e, auxdeltax, auxdeltay); } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ if(is_safari()){ return false; } } //console.log(return_delta(the_event),return_deltax(the_event),return_deltay(the_event)); //console.info('CEVA'); //suspend_enter_frame=false; //clearTimeout(inter_suspend_enter_frame); //inter_suspend_enter_frame = setTimeout(suspend_enter_frame_func, 1000); } function return_delta(e){ if(!(e)){ return 0; } if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) { return e.originalEvent.wheelDelta; } if (e.wheelDelta) { return e.wheelDelta; } if (e.detail) { return e.detail; } if (e.originalEvent != undefined && e.originalEvent.detail!=undefined) { return e.originalEvent.detail * -40; } } function return_deltax(e) { if(!(e)){ return 0; } if(is_firefox()){ if(e.axis==1){ return e.detail; }else{ return 0; } } if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaX) { return e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaX; } if (e.wheelDelta) { return e.wheelDeltaX; } if (e.originalEvent != undefined && e.originalEvent.detail) { return e.originalEvent.detail * -40; } } function return_deltay(e){ if(!(e)){ return 0; } if(is_firefox()){ if(e.axis==2){ return e.detail; }else{ return 0; } } if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY) { return e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY; } if (e.wheelDelta) { return e.wheelDeltaY; } if (e.originalEvent != undefined && e.originalEvent.detail) { return e.originalEvent.detail * -40; } } if ((cthis.hasClass('is-touch')==false) || o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures == 'on') { $(document).mousemove(function(e) { mousex = (e.pageX - cthis.offset().left); mousey = (e.pageY - cthis.offset().top); if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ mousey = (e.pageY - $(window).scrollTop()); } //console.info(mousey); if (o.settings_scrollbyhover == 'on' && (mousex < 0 || mousey < 0 || mousex > totalWidth + 20 || mousey > totalHeight + 20)){ return; } if (dir_ver == true && (scrollbary_pressed == true || o.settings_scrollbyhover == 'on')) { _scrollbar.addClass('dragging'); cthis.addClass('dragging'); if (o.settings_dragmethod == 'normal') { scrollIndexY = mousey / totalHeight * (totalHeight - scrollbary_psize); viewIndexY = mousey / totalHeight * (totalHeight - comHeight); } if (o.settings_dragmethod == 'drag') { //console.log(mousey, scrollbary.offset().top, scrollbary_draglocaly); scrollIndexY = scrollbary_dragy + (mousey - scrollbary_dragy) - scrollbary_draglocaly; //console.info(scrollIndexY); viewIndexY = (scrollIndexY / (-(totalHeight - scrollbary_psize))) * (comHeight - totalHeight); } //console.info(viewIndexY,scrollIndexY); viewIndexY = parseInt(viewIndexY, 10); //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar(); } if (dir_hor == true && (scrollbarx_pressed == true || o.settings_scrollbyhover == 'on')) { _scrollbar.addClass('dragging'); cthis.addClass('dragging'); // console.info(o.settings_dragmethod, scrollbarx_draglocalx); if (o.settings_dragmethod == 'normal') { scrollIndexX = mousex / totalWidth * (totalWidth - scrollbarx_psize); viewIndexX = mousex / totalWidth * (totalWidth - comWidth); if (o.secondCon != null) { secondCon_viX = mousex / secondCon_tw * (secondCon_tw - secondCon_cw); } } if (o.settings_dragmethod == 'drag') { scrollIndexX = scrollbarx_dragx + (mousex - scrollbarx_dragx) - scrollbarx_draglocalx; viewIndexX = (scrollIndexX / (-(totalWidth - scrollbarx_psize))) * (comWidth - totalWidth); if (o.secondCon != null) { //console.info(secondCon_tw, secondCon_cw); secondCon_viX = (scrollIndexX / (-(secondCon_tw - scrollbarx_psize))) * (secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw); } } //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar(); } if (o.settings_fadeoutonleave == 'on') { scrollbary.animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); scrollbary_bg.animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); } if(o.settings_show_sidebar_on_right_side_mouse=='on'){ //console.info(mousex, mousey, cthis.offset().left, cthis.width()); if(mousex>cthis.offset().left + cthis.width()-100 && mousex<=cthis.offset().left + cthis.width() && mousey>cthis.offset().top && mousey<=cthis.offset().top + cthis.height()){ clearTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar); inter_hidescrollbar = setTimeout(inter_hidescrollbar_func, 1000); cthis.addClass('scrollbar-active'); } } }); } //console.info(o.settings_enable_drag_on_desktops_too); if(o.settings_enable_drag_on_desktops_too=='on'){ cthis.addClass('swipe-enabled'); if(_inner){ _inner.bind('mousedown', handle_touchStart); $(document).bind('mousemove', handle_touchMove); $(document).bind('mouseup', handle_touchEnd); } if(o.secondCon){ o.secondCon.bind('touchstart', handle_touchStart); o.secondCon.bind('touchend', handle_touchEnd); } } if (( cthis.hasClass('is-touch') == false) || o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures == 'on') { $(document).mouseup(function(event) { //console.log('mouseup') scrollbary_pressed = false; scrollbarx_pressed = false; if(_scrollbar){ _scrollbar.removeClass('dragging'); } cthis.removeClass('dragging'); }) }else{ cthis.addClass('swipe-enabled'); if(_inner){ _inner.bind('touchstart', handle_touchStart); _inner.bind('touchmove', handle_touchMove); _inner.bind('touchend', handle_touchEnd); } if(o.secondCon){ o.secondCon.bind('touchstart', handle_touchStart); o.secondCon.bind('touchend', handle_touchEnd); } } function animateScrollbarTop(){ } function animateScrollbar(pargs) { //console.info(pargs); var margs = { 'animate_inner' : "on" ,'animate_sc' : "on" ,'animate_sc_based_on_main_scroll' : "off" ,'force_no_easing': 'off' ,'do_not_clear_suspend_enter_frame' : 'off' }; margs = $.extend(margs, pargs); //console.log(viewIndexX, viewIndexY, o.secondCon); if (dir_ver) { //console.info(viewIndexY, comHeight, totalHeight, cthis.outerHeight(), wh); if (viewIndexY > 0){ viewIndexY = 0; } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ totalHeight = wh; } if (viewIndexY < -(comHeight - totalHeight)){ viewIndexY = -(comHeight - totalHeight); } //console.info(viewIndexY); if(isNaN(viewIndexY)){ viewIndexY = 0; } if (scrollIndexY < 0) { scrollIndexY = 0; scrollbufferY = true; } if (scrollIndexY > (totalHeight - scrollbary_psize)) { scrollIndexY = (totalHeight - scrollbary_psize); scrollbufferY = true; } if (scrollbary) { //console.log(viewIndexY, comHeight); if(cthis.hasClass('easing')){ //console.log('ceva'); //clearTimeout(inter_reset); inter_reset = setTimeout(function(){animateScrollbarTop();}, 50); }else{ //animateScrollbarTop(); } //console.info(viewIndexY); if(o.type=='normal'){ if(o.enable_easing!='on'){ _inner.css({ 'top': viewIndexY }) }else{ finish_viy = viewIndexY; } } //console.info(viewIndexY); if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ //console.info(margs,viewIndexY, duration_viy); if(o.enable_easing!='on' || margs.force_no_easing=='on'){ $(window).scrollTop(-viewIndexY); backup_duration_viy = duration_viy; duration_viy = 0; finish_viy = viewIndexY; setTimeout(function(){ duration_viy = backup_duration_viy; },100); }else{ finish_viy = viewIndexY; //console.info('IT MAKES IT HERE') _window_object.data('targettop', finish_viy); } } scrollbary.css({ 'top': scrollIndexY }) if (o.scrollBg == 'on') { cthis.css('background-position', 'center ' + viewIndexY + 'px') } } } //console.log(scrollbarx); if (dir_hor) { // console.info(viewIndexX, scrollIndexX); if(viewIndexX==null){ // viewIndexY = mousey / totalHeight * (totalHeight - comHeight); // console.info(scrollIndexX, scrollbarx_psize, totalWidth) viewIndexX = scrollIndexX / (totalWidth - scrollbarx_psize ) * (totalWidth - comWidth) // scrollIndexX = mousex / totalWidth * (totalWidth - scrollbarx_psize); // viewIndexX = mousex / totalWidth * (totalWidth - comWidth); } if (viewIndexX < -(comWidth - totalWidth)){ viewIndexX = -(comWidth - totalWidth); } if (viewIndexX > 0){ viewIndexX = 0; } if(isNaN(viewIndexX)){ viewIndexX=lastNonNaNX; }else{ lastNonNaNX = viewIndexX; } //console.info(viewIndexX, comWidth-totalWidth); var rat = -viewIndexX/(comWidth-totalWidth); if(margs.animate_sc_based_on_main_scroll=='on'){ secondCon_viX = rat * -(secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw); //console.info(secondCon_viX); } //console.info(o.secondCon,secondCon_viX); if (o.secondCon != null) { // console.info(secondCon_viX); if (secondCon_viX < -(secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw)) { secondCon_viX = -(secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw); } if (secondCon_viX > 0) { secondCon_viX = 0; } //console.info(secondCon_viX); } //console.info(secondCon_viX); //console.log(viewIndexX); if (scrollIndexX < 0){ scrollIndexX = 0; scrollbufferX = true; slideshow_reachedend = true; } if (scrollIndexX > (totalWidth_for_scrollbar - scrollbarx_psize)){ scrollIndexX = (totalWidth_for_scrollbar - scrollbarx_psize); scrollbufferX = true; slideshow_reachedend = true; } if (scrollbarx) { //console.log(viewIndexY, comHeight); if(cthis.hasClass('easing')){ //console.log('ceva'); //clearTimeout(inter_reset); inter_reset = setTimeout(function(){animateScrollbarTop();}, 50); }else{ //animateScrollbarTop(); } //if(cthis.hasClass('debug-target')){ console.info(viewIndexX, o.enable_easing); }; //console.info(o.enable_easing); //console.info(_inner); //console.info(viewIndexX); if(o.type=='normal'){ if(o.enable_easing!='on'){ _inner.css({ 'left': viewIndexX }) }else{ finish_vix = viewIndexX; } } if(o.type=='scrollTop'){ if(o.enable_easing!='on'){ $(window).scrollLeft(-viewIndexX); }else{ finish_vix = viewIndexX; } } if(o.secondCon){ //console.info(o.enable_easing_for_second_con); if(o.enable_easing_for_second_con!='on'){ o.secondCon.css({ 'left' : secondCon_viX }) }else{ finish_vix_sc = secondCon_viX; } } //console.info(scrollIndexX); scrollbarx.css({ 'left': scrollIndexX }) if (o.scrollBg == 'on') { cthis.css('background-position', '' + viewIndexY + 'px center') } } } if(margs.do_not_clear_suspend_enter_frame=='off'){ suspend_enter_frame=false; clearTimeout(inter_suspend_enter_frame); inter_suspend_enter_frame = setTimeout(suspend_enter_frame_func, 1000); } if(action_animate_scrollbar_end){ var args = { }; args.totalWidth = totalWidth; args.comWidth = comWidth; args.viewIndexX = viewIndexX; args = $.extend(args, margs); action_animate_scrollbar_end(args); } } if (o.settings_fadeoutonleave == 'on' && (is_ios() == false || o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures == 'on')) { cthis.mouseleave(function(e) { //console.log('mouseleave'); scrollbary.animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); scrollbary_bg.animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); }) } // console.info(is_ios()); if ( (cthis.hasClass('is-touch')) && o.settings_disableSpecialIosFeatures !='on') { setInterval(ios_handle_frame, 80); // setInterval(debug_func, 500); } function debug_func(){ debug_var = true; } function ios_handle_frame() { //console.info('ios_handle_frame'); // return; //only for ios, calculate var cthis_touch_comwidth =0; var cthis_touch_left =0; var cthis_touch_comheight =0; var cthis_touch_top = 0; if(_inner){ cthis_touch_comwidth = _inner.width() - cthis.width(); cthis_touch_left = _inner.position().left; cthis_touch_comheight = _inner.height() - cthis.height(); cthis_touch_top = _inner.position().top; } var sc = null; var scpar = null; if(o.secondCon){ sc= o.secondCon; scpar = sc.parent(); // console.info(scpar.outerWidth()); var sc_touch_comwidth = sc.width() - scpar.width(); var sc_touch_left = sc.position().left; var sc_touch_comheight = sc.height() - scpar.height(); var sc_touch_top = sc.position().top; } // console.info(iL, iW, totalWidth, scrollbarx_psize, scrollIndexX, scrollIndexY); // scrollIndexX = secondCon_viX * ((-(secondCon_tw - scrollbarx_psize))) * (secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw)); if(debug_var && cthis[0] == document.getElementById('scrollc3')){ // console.info(inner_dragging, cthis_touch_comwidth, cthis.width(), _inner.width(), _inner.position().top, _outer.position().top); debug_var = false; } if(inner_dragging){ // console.info(cthis_touch_left, cthis_touch_comwidth, totalWidth, scrollbarx_psize); scrollIndexX = ( (-cthis_touch_left) / cthis_touch_comwidth) * (totalWidth - scrollbarx_psize); scrollIndexY = ( -cthis_touch_top / cthis_touch_comheight) * (totalHeight - scrollbarx_psize); var args = { 'animate_inner': "off" } if(sc){ secondCon_viX = -(((scrollIndexX / (secondCon_tw - scrollbarx_psize)) * (secondCon_cw - secondCon_tw))); } // console.info('inner', scrollIndexX, secondCon_viX, secondCon_cw, secondCon_tw); //console.info('animateScrollbar from handle_frame()'); animateScrollbar(args); } if(sc_dragging){ scrollIndexX = ( (-sc_touch_left) / sc_touch_comwidth) * (totalWidth - scrollbarx_psize); viewIndexX = scrollIndexX / totalWidth * (totalWidth - comWidth) var args = { 'animate_sc': "off" } // console.info('sc', scrollIndexX); // console.info('animateScrollbar scdragging from handle_frame()',scrollIndexX, viewIndexX); animateScrollbar(args); } cthis_touch_left_last = cthis_touch_left; cthis_touch_top_last = cthis_touch_top; sc_touch_left_last = sc_touch_left; sc_touch_top_last = sc_touch_top; } return this; }); }; window.dzsscr_init = function(selector, settings) { if(typeof(settings)!="undefined" && typeof(settings.init_each)!="undefined" && settings.init_each==true ){ var element_count = 0; for (var e in settings) { element_count++; } if(element_count==1){ settings = undefined; } $(selector).each(function(){ var _t = $(this); _t.scroller(settings) }); }else{ $(selector).scroller(settings); } }; })(jQuery); function is_ios() { // return true; return ((navigator.platform.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPod") != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPad") != -1) ); } function is_android() { //console.info(navigator.platform); return (navigator.platform.indexOf("Android") != -1); } function is_touch_device() { return !!('ontouchstart' in window); } function is_ie() { if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) { return true; } ; return false; } ; function is_firefox() { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) { return true; } ; return false; } ; function is_opera() { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) { return true; } ; return false; } ; function is_chrome() { return /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);; } ; function is_safari() { return /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor);; } ; function version_ie() { return parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]); } ; function version_firefox() { if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var aversion = new Number(RegExp.$1); return(aversion); } ; } ; function version_opera() { if (/Opera[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var aversion = new Number(RegExp.$1); return(aversion); } ; } ; function is_ie8() { if (is_ie() && version_ie() < 9) { return true; } return false; } function is_ie9() { if (is_ie() && version_ie() == 9) { return true; } return false; } function getInternetExplorerVersion() { var rv = -1; if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } else if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } return rv; } window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function( callback ){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); 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